Presentation Options
There are 2 ways to run the Discovery Course.
1. Use the Video Set
The easiest and most popular way is to use the videos. The customised mp4 Pen Drive can be plugged into any computer or smart TV and watched without any further hassle – leaving the course leader, team and students to focus on each session.

2. Run the Course Live
For those who wish to have a more personal touch with a ‘live’ speaker, a full set of illustrated, Session PowerPoints is available. This is invaluable because statistics show that 65% of people are visual learners.
So, to retain key information, the use of fascinating, fast-moving slides will ensure that the speaker will have a fully engaged audience!

Sample 1st Slide Session PowerPoints Set (5) – to purchase at the shop

Session 1.

Session 2.

Session 3.

Session 4.

Session 5.
Session PowerPoints – Hard Copy Set (5)
(for the Projector Operator)
There are also, hard paper copies of marked, PowerPoint slides, for the projector operator
to keep in sync with the speaker. The set can be accessed on the Free Downloads Page.