Course Reviews
The course appeals to individuals
from diverse backgrounds and cultures
Originally used in-house, the target audience has proven extensive, attracting mature adolescents through to active 60+ year-olds.
Their reason for attending remains varied, creating a ready-made, captive audience. ‘Thinkers’ who need answers to their questions, ‘conscientious individuals’ searching for truth, ‘honest sinners’ looking for peace and ´prodigals´ ready to return. Plus Christians, who want to consolidate their basic understanding of the faith.
As the course reviews reflect, many have evidenced a radical, lifestyle change, which has been noted by believers and non-believers alike. To God be all the glory!
Testimonials from Church Leaders

Naomi Hunter
Having had the recent joy of helping to run and facilitate the Discovery Course in our church, I fully, recommend it.
Being just five sessions, it is easy to commit to and thematically follow. Containing enough information to help anyone with an inquiring mind about Christianity, to reach their own conclusions about Jesus.
The facts of which, are reinforced by the discussion groups at the end of each evening. Here, the attendees are given the opportunity to talk through the session content or ask questions, which has proven invaluable.
So, if you are thinking about running the course, I would do it.
You won´t regret it!
Hampshire, UK
June 2023

Mauricio Alvarez
The Discovery Course has been a transformational resource for us.
God has used it to bring many people to Jesus and affirm the faith of our church members.
As a result, our church has grown with the addition of new believers and our members have gone to a new level of commitment with God.
Alicante Province, Spain
October 2022

Tim & Aliya Kotnic
We were extremely blessed to run the Discovery Course in our home, for a small group of people and found it to be the perfect tool for Christians who want to share their faith in a practical and comprehensive way, but may not feel equipped to do so on their own.
The combination of informative videos and thought-provoking, guided discussions enabled members of our group to deeply consider the claims and implications of Christianity, which resulted in each person, fully committing their life to Christ.
As for us, hosting the course helped us grow in our own confidence as Christians and was an unforgettable experience!
Valencia Province, Spain
May 2022

Testimonials from Course Students

All of the sessions benefited me in their own, individual way.
Specifically, Session 3: What´s so special about Jesus? For me, this session answered so many questions I had and solidified my journey to Christ.
The way Tony delivers the sessions really helps baby Christians and new believers who know nothing about the faith understand on a deeper, more personal level.
Because of the course´s spiritual impact on me, I gave my life to Jesus after the prayer at the end of Session 5.
I would encourage anyone who is thinking about doing the course to come along in the following years as it has really changed my life – for the absolute better.

Joanna Blackman
Student Nurse (aged 20)
Course Student – June 2023

As a recent Christian, it has given me a new perspective on the evidence and existence of Jesus that enabled me to grow in my spiritual understanding of what I believe.
Likewise, the teaching format was relevant and accessible and has helped me to navigate the Christian path.

Claudia Aranda
Telephone Manageress
Course Student – May 2022

The course displayed evidence of God and His work on earth in a clear and non-forceful way.
As a backslidden Christian, who had dropped out of ´church,´ the Discovery Course provided a fresh perspective and understanding of the Bible, faith and a relationship with God through Jesus Christ.
I now feel reaffirmed in what I believe, having no doubt that Jesus is Lord and that all I do in this life should be to His glory.
I highly recommend this magnificent work by Tony Cauchi.

Joshua Wheatley
Professional Musician
Course Student – May 2022

As someone who is already a Christian, I found the Discovery Course incredibly helpful in really understanding our deep need for the gospel.
Even when others say it is not applicable to the modern age.
Additionally, it helped me to break down the gospel in straightforward terms so I could tell others about Jesus!

Hannah Cauchi
University Student
Course Student – April 2022

When I attended the Discovery Course, I was already a Christian. But I wanted to refresh the foundational truths of my faith.
The course is well researched and presented, using both extra-biblical sources as well as the Bible itself to present the truth of Scripture.
The evidence presented leads to the challenge of ¨Do you believe the evidence? Would you like to receive Christ as your Lord and Saviour?¨
A really excellent course, highly recommended for believers and ´not yet´ believers alike.

Mike Kirkwood
Chartered Surveyor/Christian Charities Founder
Course Student – May 2019
Here, is one of many, amazing stories
behind the testimonials!

Wanting to know more about God at this point in our lives, my wife and I noticed a particular, church sign one day, that ´stood out´ on our regular car route. So, we attended the following Sunday.
Shortly after, we enrolled on the timely Discovery Course which was used to enlighten us regarding the Bible and its relevance to life in the following ways.
To recognise that the answers to all life´s big questions are in the Bible.
The evidence was presented in a multi-dimensional way that provided a compelling argument for the Bible being true.
The combination of biblical and historical evidence helped us see Jesus, as a real person.
The explanation of the meaning and significance of the Cross helped what He had done for us, to sink in.
Finally, the deeper explanation of the repentance process and the prayer of repentance that we individually, prayed at the end, was life-changing!
More of the same, please!

Ian and Jane Alcock
Company Vice President, Journalist.
Course Students – 2015

The Discovery Course is a great course for anyone, whatever their age, life experiences and background.
The atmosphere was always warm, friendly and inclusive and the talks were well-planned and not too long to be overwhelming.
It starts with basic, life questions, establishing the truth and reliability of the Bible and continues to explore the truth of the Gospel and how it has relevance and meaning for us today, in our secular world.
I especially, remember how useful and interesting the discussion groups were. Giving us the chance in a safe environment, to ask any questions and be listened to and our questions being sensitively addressed, no matter how simple or complex.
On a personal note, I remember experiencing a new understanding of grace for the first time and the importance of prayer.

Sue Palmer
Primary School Teacher
Course Student – September 2014