Hi there!
I’m Tony Cauchi
– the guy who runs the revival-library.org, which is now in its 25th year. But for those who don’t know me, allow me to introduce myself and briefly explain how the Discovery Course came about.

Ever since my conversion, I have had a passion for revival and evangelism. This led me to Bible College, where I met Elizabeth, the love of my life and we married on graduating. We were immediately thrust into planting and establishing a fledging work in Malta and later, two, further church plants in the UK. Now we are on our fourth adventure! A bilingual plant in its early stages, in Spain.
So, how did all this happen? In each place, believers brought their contacts to evangelistic events and I ´proclaimed the Gospel.´ This resulted in a steady flow of converts being added to the church. The real game changer, though, happened twenty years later, in our third plant in a ´white collar,´ commuter belt area, within reach of London.
I realised that an alternative method was needed to penetrate the minds of those steeped in atheism and ignorance. So, I began to work on a New Testament, Gospel-focused course, plied with irrefutable evidence to convince and persuade the hearers – yet pitched at a level that was easy to understand and which people could relate to.
About Us – Tony Cauchi
The Discovery Course was piloted in-house in early 2000, followed by its sequel, the Foundations Course. Fast forward to today, it has consistently proven effective in adding converts to the church, affirming believers in the faith and restoring prodigals. Even more importantly, it has inbuilt into the church DNA, a mission-centred lifestyle, which will ensure their future for generations to come.
On that note, current statistics show, that less than 10% of believers share the gospel with one person a year. This is for 3 reasons – their fear of rejection from those to whom they witness, their doubt about their ability to communicate the gospel and their acute sense of ineptness to answer the inevitable questions that arise.
Now, finely honed, the Discovery Course addresses these deficiencies and puts into church leaders’ hands across the globe, a ready-made, powerful, gospel-based tool. I prayerfully pass it on, with the absolute confidence that you too, will have the joy of extending God´s Kingdom in your community!
Your partner in the Gospel,
Tony Cauchi
Below, is a more detailed synopsis of our life journey
to date and what we learned on the way
The 3, essential components required
to make & mature disciples

A Trained, Mission-Centred Church
In our first two plants, we found a consistent thread – God brought together a godly, prayerful, and Spirit-empowered group of believers who had a deep love for God and a strong desire to reach those close to them, with the gospel.
On reflection, we saw the practice of one sowing and one reaping in action. The members would invite a family member, friend or colleague to a gospel service. My co-missionary, I myself, or a visiting evangelist would then deliver the message. Individuals would respond and join the church.
So, based on my experience in the ’80s, and ´90s, I came to this conclusion. Supported by a passionate, prayerful, proactive team, the biblical method of proclaiming the gospel still works!

A Persuasive, Gospel Presentation
It wasn´t until our third church plant of ten believers, in a hub village of mainly, white-collar professionals, that the need to use an additional method became apparent. The one, I noted that the apostle Paul used – persuasion evangelism.
Designed to break into the then, post-modern mindset, the Discovery Course was launched ´in-house.´ Presenting the timeless message of the Gospel through fast-moving, compelling visuals, substantiated with irrefutable, convincing evidence. The impact was awesome.
Its very success though, forced me to consider, “What now?” The assimilation and integration of the converts into the church were crucial for their survival, not to mention the vulnerable prodigals.

A Foundational, Discipleship Course
It is systematically structured, with Section 1. focusing on New Testament principles and practices. Section 2. then introduces Paul’s elementary teachings outlined in Hebrews 6:1-2. Using this as a gauge, a new convert’s progress is measurable in determining their spiritual growth.
Each new believer is then assigned an appropriate small group where they can grow in their understanding, learn by others’ example and be encouraged to implement these vital teachings.